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Dancing around the room to the new track Omen from Disclosure ft. Sam Smith

First, I don’t consider myself a big fan of Sam Smith. Don’t get me wrong.. his voice is amazing! It just bores me sometimes. But please, don’t hate me jus yet! It wasn’t easy to admit.. Second, I really love the new song! It is so catchy and I’ve already danced around the room. A couple of times. And I love those two Disclosure guys!

Omen is the second official single following brilliant Holding On from the new forthcoming album Caracal. The British house-pop-electronic duo dropped another banger in collaboration with Sam Smith again!

Latch brought them a huge success after releasing the track in 2012 so I suppose that was rather obvious they’d join forces to work on another song, wasn’t it?

Howard Lawrence talking to press said he couldn’t imagine a new album without Sam Smith.

It just would have felt wrong to not have [Smith] on the record. We speak to Sam everyday. He’s our best mate. And he’s the best singer in the world. Why would we not put him on the record? It was really exciting. We had three whole days to hang out with Sam and write, which are two of my favorite things to do.

Check the video below!

Caracal is set to be released on September 25. Can I have it already?!