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ÁINE CAHILL Shares New Single ‘Blood Diamonds’

Brand new single from impressive songstress Áine Cahill called Blood Diamonds

After a massive 2017 of touring including Glastonbury, Latitude, Field Day, SGP and The Great Escape festivals, Áine Cahill has also sold out all Ireland shows and an intimate performance at St Pancras Church in London.

Produced by Courage, Blood Diamonds shows what an unstoppable force she is. Empowering and bursting with confidence, Cahill’s vocals are nothing but impressive with captivating tone and range.

Áine Cahill explains:

This is about all the bad bitches in the world who get everything, and us nice bitches, who get nothing.

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She is coming our way later this month and you can catch her at the following dates:


22 – London, Hoxton Bar & Kitchen (Headline Show)

29 – Dublin, Olympia Theatre (with JP Cooper)


08 – Birmingham, O2 Institute (with JP Cooper)