GANG OF FOUR Unveil New Single ‘Lucky’
Gang Of Four have a brand new single for you that’s full of magnetic and never ending energy.
Lucky comes from their approaching EP Complicit, set to be released in April on the 13th.
At just over five minutes, this impressive track offers up a lot of sound that is fresh and current. Gang Of Four don’t need to impress, they have been doing this for quite a while and they have made their notable mark. The production of Lucky grabs your attention and blows you away in the first thirty seconds and with that you know you are set for a good time. A variety of new influences can be heard throughout this track and it all seems to come together effortlessly.
Andy Gill says:
I’d been watching a serious debate on one of those financial news channels – six white men in suits arguing about the stock markets – and it set me thinking about how limited luck can be. A lot of trading is anyway now done by algorithms to try to eliminate the element of chance, but luck isn’t capable of fundamentally changing the system. Even if you believe market crashes are the result of bad luck rather than layer upon layer of human and machine error, the system shudders, restarts and goes on as before.