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BE LIKE PABLO Release Retro-Gaming Video for ‘My Kind Of Girl’

Be Like Pablo transport you into a retro gaming world where all the pop punk kids are hanging out.

My Kind Of Girl will likely be the soundtrack to many people’s lives, mine included. It details the essence of true, idealistic love; falling for someone who’s a little unusual but true to themselves and uniquely beautiful. It also comes with a very befitting video.

You would be forgiven for playing “Pablo Bingo” as you watch it, calling off the visual references to nostalgia, notably Star Wars, Tron, Lord of the Rings and there’s some nice visuals accompanying the Super Nintendo console too. The video draws to a close with a nod to the 8-bit gaming world of the eighties, each band member with a pixilated portrait while the song is given an 8-bit make over as the credits role out.

While it might be easy to draw comparisons with the likes of Wheatus or Fountains of Wayne, Be Like Pablo draw inspiration from the classics of the early nought-ies and bring it fresh into the here and now with scintillating guitar synths and sharp vocals! Fuelling the desire for a pop-punk revival for the digital age.

Now where’s that replay button…

The band explains:

‘My Kind Of Girl’ is our attempt at writing a super concise, to the point, pop song. The style and arrangement is very much influenced by songs from the 50s and 60s, particularly Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.