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DIRTY NICE Unveil New Video for ‘Always Summer’

Dirty Nice have brought a new video to life in accompaniment to their latest single Always Summer.

Dirty Nice 2018

Inspired by the fringe-culture of vaporwave and the early 20th century expressionist art of Salvador Dali and Piet Mondrian, Always Summer is taken from the duo’s recently released EP with the same title.

Experimental indie outfit Dirty Nice are somewhat of an enigma in the music environment. They emerged only a year ago with a few murky tunes, coupled with some unique forms of graphic art pieces brought to life via telegrams. Rather than taking the traditional route with press releases, bios and image, they have completely immersed themselves in a conundrum that only makes them more intriguing.

The new video presents a surreal landscape set to represent the eternal summer expressed in the lyrics. Expanding of those themes, Dirty Nice explain:

The video is a journey through a seemingly infinite surreal landscape of eternal summer; it is both glorious and grotesque as one might imagine an infinite summer to be. Visually, it was heavily inspired by the underground internet art movement “v a p o r w a v e / a e s t h e t i c” as well as early 20th century abstract artists such as Dali and Mondrian.

You can see the surrealism-inspired video below.