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THE DIRTY NIL Unveil Visuals for ‘That’s What Heaven Feels Like’

Capturing all the bravado of the track, the video translates the band’s energy in a fun and lively manner.

The Dirty Nil 2018

Heaven is a suburban neighbourhood. Or at least that’s how it appears in the newest video from The Dirty Nil for their track That’s What Heaven Feels Like, taken from their latest album Master Volume.

Beginning with a Jesus-like figure standing in the pool and beckoning for the band to join him, a hug shared by the four people quickly turns sinister as said figure drowns the trio. Winding up in what is supposedly heaven, you’re taken on a journey as the band segway their way around. Encountering a multitude of different characters, including an unfriendly whip-cracker, an enthusiastic martini drinker and an ice-cream eating dog, it’s a fun video that’s sure to put you in a good mood. And as if the video itself isn’t enough to make you smile, the delicious riffs will send bolts of electricity running through you. Both the track and the video contain a lot of energy that is sure to leave you charged up, and whilst we’re not sure that’s what heaven looks like, the band have hit the nail on the head as they croon “That’s what heaven feels like”.