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Album Review // CORY WELLS ‘The Way We Are’

Cory Wells shows true growth as a storyteller on his polished debut album, The Way We Are.

Cory Wells The Way We Are 2019

In his soothing and therapeutic new album, The Way We Are, Cory Wells explores life and all the different emotions that go with it, from sadness, anger, despair, happiness, uncertainty and regret, just to name a few.

Wells explains, “It’s my life. It’s your life. It’s about what it’s like to be human. Without the bad, the good would mean nothing. It would just be normal. I hope people can appreciate the emotions put into this record as well as the various feels and styles it represents. It’s the way we are.”

The album starts with Distant, a slowly building track, infused with soft piano tones, delicate guitar and tender-hearted vocals. It then follows on to Keiko, Wildfire, and Harbor which have the similar coffeehouse listening vibes.

With introspective lyrics and a catchy chorus which will have you singing along, Broken tells a story of healing from a personal break up, as Wells says, “The song represents that emotional roller coaster: It starts out big, and when it’s done, it ends really soft, like I’m over it.”

Fall Apart has an absolute acoustic-based rock feel to it, which could be to the contribution from Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional. As well as Chris’ contribution, Lizzy Farrall features on the track. The blend of their vocals complements each other and gives the song a great dynamic.

Once giving the album a few listens you get a feel of the subtle separate layers of the album, from the fierce screams in Walk Away that lead to a soaring falsetto. Cement similar to Distant gently builds as it goes along. Starting with soothing acoustic guitar that crescendos into passionate vocals and a mellow drumbeat.

Wells has created some warming and tranquil tracks for an easy Sunday morning, if you’re looking for some get up and go this isn’t for you. Ultimately, he’s created music that he wants to play. “I could write a ton of different styles of songs, but as long as I sing them like I mean it, the songs will resonate,” he says. “I played metal because I liked it. I play this music because I love it.”