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FICKLE FRIENDS Drop New Video for ‘Pretty Great’

Following the release of Amateurs at the end of 2019, UK indie-pop foursome Fickle Friends are back with their new single Pretty Great.

Fickle Friends 2020

Coming into 2020 hot with the second release off their upcoming album, which is due out later this year, Pretty Great is the perfect upbeat electro-pop sound Fickle Friends do so well.  From the very first drum beat, it is reminiscent of the kind of song you put on repeat at full volume while dancing around your bedroom and singing into your hairbrush à la Lizzie McGuire.

On writing Pretty Great, frontwoman Natti said:

Pretty Great came about after a long day of writing, starting ideas and not really loving anything we came up with. We called it quits around 9 and opened some wine and listened to a couple Sheryl Crow songs. Jack just kinda started jamming on the guitar and the words and melody literally fell out of my mouth. We wrote the song in like…an hour and didn’t know if it was a joke or actually the best thing ever…in the morning we decided it was the latter.

It’s hard to disagree.  The lyrics come to life in the effervescent neon dream party the music video is set in, sharing the fleeting moments that come with drinking a little too much, but through the lens of modern day tech addiction.

As Natti said, Pretty Great really is the best thing ever.