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AKA GEORGE Shares Video for ‘Bad For You’

In these strange times of self-isolation and quarantine, AKA George provides some light relief through his humorous new video Bad For You – it’s exactly what one would expect from a coronavirus-inspired video and more.

AKA George 2020

If you are struggling to find yourself maintaining a semblance of normality and sanity during the current period (because let’s face it, social distancing has a huge potential for driving us up the wall), then know that you are not alone in feeling this way and AKA George is going equally mad. His newest offering, the single and video Bad For You, is a blistering track that can fill even the smallest room with the energy of a sold-out concert, bulldozing its way through any lingering fatigue with its charged-up riffs and hyper vocals. The video truly takes the track to a whole new level though, as it provides humour rooted in our present situation, documenting George’s decline into madness caused by boredom and isolation. From amusing captions of his thoughts, to relatable scenes of gorging on crisps, Bad For You is truly a silver lining of the current state of affairs.

Explaining the lyricism behind the track, George says:

‘Bad For You’ is about being in a toxic relationship… but being unable to resist it. I was craving it like a drug. I knew it was bad for me but i was never going to stop. I’m one of those people who goes all in. I don’t like half measures, if I’m doing something I’m doing it 100%. That can cause problems sometimes – you can get in too deep and things become messy, especially in a relationship – but I wouldn’t have it any other way.