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ANDREW CUSHIN Unveils Tender New Single ‘Waiting For The Rain’

Armed with an acoustic guitar, Andrew Cushin captures your heart with his newest single Waiting For The Rain.

Andrew Cushin 2020Newcastle-born Andrew Cushin has a voice that will set your heart ablaze with its tenderness and silkiness, and his newest single Waiting For The Rain allows the rich timbres to ooze through. Backed by a limited accompaniment of acoustic guitar, later joined by minimal percussion, his vocal prowess takes centre stage alongside his poignant lyricism to deliver a knocking performance that will take your breath away. Teeming with anguish and unspoken melancholy, it’s a cathartic piece of work that can only come from the heart’s depth and exhibits a maturity beyond the 20-year-old musician.

Waiting For The Rain is the first song that Andrew ever wrote, at the young age of 15 after running away from a family argument. Despite the time that has since passed, the intensity of the emotions present at that moment are brought to the surface through Andrew’s stirring delivery. The impassioned performance captures the scene and the feelings coursing through Andrew’s head as if the event happened just yesterday, and yet his deeply personal lament will resonate with many in the piercing sadness expressed and continue to hold an impact long after the last note has finished ringing.