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YUKON BLONDE Release Retro-Sounding Single ‘Get Precious’

“Funkadelic” and cool, Yukon Blonde have tapped into a sound that is undeniably retro while maintaining a semblance of modernity on their new single, Get Precious.

Yukon Blonde 2020

If you said that Get Precious came out in 1976, no one would bat an eye. With the groovy, slick sound that channels corduroy bellbottoms and your nan’s mustard sofa, Yukon Blonde have found a happy medium between nostalgic psychedelic funk and modern indie-rock. Memorable lines like “Drama free, I leave it at the door” resonate boldly, solidifying the carefree attitude encouraged in the song. Gyrating repetition of the titular line and iridescent synths mesmerize listeners. Whether it’s a nod to their Canadian heritage (where both French and English are national languages) or just for the hell of it, a rough translation of the chorus is spoken in French as you near the finale. The breathy spoken word briefly shifts Get Precious from funky cool to airy sultriness that works wonderfully for the track as a whole.

Detailing the track, Yukon Blonde said:

Spend time alone, working on whatever it takes to be happy with yourself – put your phone down, go on a bike ride, listen to your favourite music, cry in that good way that feels electric, drink a beer. Embrace your flaws, because, as much as anything, these are the things true friends will love about you.

If anyone thinks they know better than you do about the direction you want your life to be heading in, personally, creatively, professionally, whatever – they don’t.