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ARROWS IN ACTION Share New Single ‘Honey’

Florida power-pop quartet, Arrows In Action, have come back swinging with new single Honey.

Arrows In Action 2020

Contrary to the sweetness of its name, Honey is dripping in bitter angst and nostalgia, with the vigor and catchiness of pop-punk in its hay day, in part due to the fact that the group is inspired by acts such as All Time Low and Panic! At The Disco.

With an intro that hums like a rocket’s engine before ignition, the track quickly escalates from dampened vocals and mild guitar chugs, to a full blown straight shot to the moon, equipped with a soaring and hooky chorus that will be stuck in your head for days.

Not only is the song a radio-hit on the rise musically, but Honey’s content is raw and relatable, similar to the unrefined byproduct of the bioindicator species that create it.

When it comes to the story behind the song, Arrows In Action share this:

‘Honey’ is a song about self-reflection, recognizing your mistakes, and learning from them. This song is pretty upbeat and moving, with a call-and-response style chorus line that we hope invokes the listener to want to sing along.