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ENDSCAPE Share Pounding New Single ‘Validate Me’

Making an impact with their sophomore single, ENDSCAPE share swinging new track Validate Me.


British rockers ENDSCAPE are showing that the scene is very much alive and thriving as they share their rousing new single Validate Me. The track is the second single that the newcomers have shared, and lights the fuse for a blazing future ahead of the band as thrashing guitars and pummelling drums create an incendiary energy. Driving forward with crushing electronics, the song fuses modern technology with raw instrumental passion to bring a full-bodied texture that comes at you from all directions.

Lyrically, the track explores the increasingly blurred line between the lives we lead and the lives we depict on the internet. Speaking more on this, the band explains:

The song’s main theme is about people who become addicted to social media and curating their online persona, forgoing real life relationships in favour of validation from strangers. In the chorus you can almost hear the chants and desperate cries of millions of people shamelessly pleading to be validated. The song concludes with a suggestion that these people are using social media validation and self medication for deeper and more serious issues.