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SOPHIA ALEXA Shares New Single ‘House Of Cards’

Allowing her vulnerability to shine through, House Of Cards is the moving debut from Sophia Alexa.

Sophia Alexa 2021

It’s easy to build a wall around yourself and shield your most tender parts away from the world, but sometimes it’s not a bad thing to let your guard down and allow your honesty to shine through. And that’s exactly what Sophia Alexa does, as she confesses that her own walls have been falling away in House Of Cards. It’s a stark moment of honesty and vulnerability, as she openly admits that things are getting a bit much and she can no longer carry them all herself.

Building a cushioning sound to accompany her confessing thoughts, she creates warm sonics through layered electronics and calming beats that will make you feel that you too can let your guard down. With her vocals laced with sincerity, there’s a huge element of trust and confiding involved as she shares ‘my house of cards is crumbling and trembling now’. Between her intimate style of songwriting and her soothing sound, the result is a captivating blend of indie-pop that hints at bigger things to come.

Speaking on the track, Sophia states:

‘House Of Cards’ was written from the realisation that my old self beliefs were built on a foundation that required external validation. It’s a moment in time where I blindly followed the beliefs of others rather than my own. The chorus is the moment when the glass shatters and what you thought to be true falls apart. I remember going into the studio that day with no concept in mind just an overwhelming feeling of emotions that I could only translate into a metaphor as fragile as a house of cards.