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All posts by Jess Boswell

Isaac Gracie 2018

ISAAC GRACIE Unveils Video for ‘Broken Wheel’

Young British musician Isaac Gracie has launched an extended version of his self-titled debut album. Featuring three additional tracks, Show Me Love / No, Nothing At All  and Broken Wheel, the album shows off more of his emotional songcraft. This release introduces his recent single Show Me Love as

BLACK HONEY Share New Video for ‘Crowded City’

Following the release of their celebrated debut album, British four-piece Black Honey have unveiled a brand new video for the latest single Crowded City.  The video comes alongside the release of the deluxe version of their self-titled record Black Honey; originally released back in September of this year. The

Crooked Teeth Honey EP

EP Review // CROOKED TEETH ‘Honey’

Southern California’s Crooked Teeth release new EP, Honey. The trio have been very busy this year. Having signed to Rude Records, they went on to re-release their Pastel EP earlier in May, which only skimmed the surface of what they had brewing behind the scenes. Their approach with

Architects 2018

ARCHITECTS Release Video for ‘Death Is Not Defeat’

Everyone is talking about them. Brighton quintet Architects are back and they’ve got a lot to share. Architects‘ eighth studio album Holy Hell, the follow up to 2016’s All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us, was released last Friday November 9th, and has already racked up plenty of praise. The opening track

Live: STATE CHAMPS // O2 Academy, Bristol

For eight years now, New York’s very own genre frontrunners State Champs have been delivering masses of high energy tunes to fans all around the world (and back).  There’s a reason these youngsters are leading the way in modern pop-punk evolution and this is showcased