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BLAME CANDY Live at Mercury Lounge, NYC

Introducing new exciting American outfit, BLAME CANDY.

When four young men graced the stage at famous NYC venue Mercury Lounge on a Tuesday night, all in their sparkling ensembles, no one quite knew what to expect. Throw in some dazzling guitar riffs, stunning vocals, long hair and glitter, and you are blessed with the band Blame Candy.

The four-piece somehow blends together the perfect charm and attitude of the Rolling Stones in ’69, the theatricality and femininity of a young David Bowie, and elements of 80’s glam rock fashion – all the while making it their own by encompassing all the beloved traits of any great rock and roll band. Don’t forget to add some elements of glam rock and occasional psychedelia with pop-rock notes.

As well as incorporating synchronised choreography, each individual leg kick, hip thrust, hair flick and jump fits perfectly within the performance and the movements of the other band members as if it has been carefully planned out.

Lead vocalist Chris Greatti entices the crowd with his soft and captivating voice, before you’re instantly blown away by the huge bursts of energy and power the band has perfected into what seems an effortless routine.

Crowd numbers grew steadily but surely as each tune pounded through the speakers, and audiences became louder and more excited throughout up until the end of their closing number. Life Like You, the first song of their debut EP1, was right away met with a huge roar from the crowd.

Backstage, the band are as equally charming and charismatic off stage as they are on. With a few more shows scheduled in the US in the upcoming months and plans to grow even more, Blame Candy will definitely be ones to watch in 2017.

Photos: Katie Willoughby