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FIZZY BLOOD Unveil New Single ‘ADHD’

Ahead of their forthcoming EP, Summer Of Luv EP, and Reading and Leeds appearances, Fizzy Blood are making waves with an eye-wateringly frenetic offering by the way of ADHD.

Somewhere between Royal Blood and The Libertines, ADHD has the madness to excite but the raw abandon to induce a pretty serious mosh pit. Its quieter moments (barely) give some respite before it inevitably ups the ante again and again until you’re left breathless, ADHD indeed.

Vocalist Benji Inkley explains:

‘ADHD’ is a song of contrasts. The lightheartedness of the music and the seriousness of lyrics don’t really match up which gives it that little extra edge.  It’s like a prescription written on a sandwich board.

Summer Of Luv due 1st Sep on Killing Moon/Alya Records.

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