LP Live in London
LP brings her mesmerising shows overseas.
As the lights dimmed at Dingwalls in Camden last Monday night, the crowd let out a raw of cheers and whistles to make sure the Long Island native felt welcome as Londoners do so well.
Laura Pergolizzi aka LP walked on the stage and the audience erupted at the sight of her. With her hair hiding parts of face, the shy looking artist took to her microphone.
Like a shot of electricity her vocals hit. They echoed through the venue as she asked for mercy with Muddy Waters. The scene was set. The build up to the last chorus made sure the crowd were transfixed on the stage, letting her intricate and flowing range filling ears, reaching to hearts.
Bouncing into, Into the Wild you couldn’t help but shake around and let the movement of the song take you over. Bringing an uplifting and joyous haze across the crowd. Leaving everyone jealous of her perfect pitched whistling, leading into a roaring sing along.
Along came the latest release, Lost On You, it showed us her best attributes and showcased how her songwriting truly captures. It was hard to not feel like you were driving down an American highway with the top down, wind in the hair, type of scene. Transported back to London with crowd singing along, it was unmistakable that she hit the mark yet again.
One thing that stood out to me, was how loving the diverse crowd was. With one particular group holding up some DIY love heart sighs saying thank you. The love in the room was strong as the set flowed through.
A stand out moment in the set for me was Tokyo Sunrise. The song far from simple, perfectly broke up the set and vocals soared in and lifted the roof of Camden. An uplifting part of the set, it was a warm and fuzzy moment on a chilly night in London. “Where are you going to go?” I think the crowd would follow her anywhere she lead.
Song after song, she filled the set magically. Leaving the crowd wanting even more. Credits to her band, a talented bunch, making sure their connection on stage was made infectious off stage and to the audience. Proving that her longevity in charts incapacitated to the needs on that night to her fans.