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Daily Archives: December 19, 2016

SPLASHH’s Spinning Rings

You might want to hold onto something before watching this. Aussie Londoners continue the wave of changes as they share black and white visuals to accompany the song Rings, the first single from their sophomore album Waiting A Lifetime, due early next year. Directed by the band’s long

FOX CHAPEL Live at The Waiting Room

Northampton four-piece makes a stop in the London city. The Waiting Room in Stoke Newington isn’t this first place I’d expect to find myself on a Tuesday night, and the same seems to be true for the general crowd as the venue is basically empty

When In Manchester’s Christmas Extravaganza

At a Christmas party with When In Manchester Festival. After the successful first run in April earlier this year, the festival returned with the second edition to celebrate some of the best upcoming artists from around the country. Our photographer Ellen McGoran visited The Ruby Lounge last Saturday