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JADE BIRD Releases Debut EP ‘Something American’

Artist takes on the subject of female role models, empowering and women stereotypes on her latest release, Something American.

Hugely influenced by women within the musical subcultures, such as Patti Smith and Alanis Morisette, since her early years, Jade Bird continues to astonish as she releases debut EP, Something American. With a startling maturity of the lyrics and subtle profound vocal range, young songstress – aged just 19 – delves into the eternal themes of relationship, disillusionment and sorrow, wrapping it all up in a modern twist.

The title track of the EP encapsulates the inverted image of an isolated suburban housewife who embodies the pursuit of one’s ideal, the American dream perhaps. The tenderness hailing from Jade’s music may be misleading at first, but when you listen closely you’ll realise that this is the voice of a strong woman who clearly knows where she’s going to. Judging on her broad potential, it must be the right path.

Jade Bird‘s debut EP Something American is available now and you can stream the title track below.

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