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BRUNO MAJOR Unveils the Penultimate in His Series of Releases ‘Cold Blood’

The North London artist to release A Song For Every Moon collection this August.

After setting himself the task of recording and releasing a song every 30 days in August last year, Bruno Major has reached the penultimate track in his year-long pledge.

Cold Blood, the last in his series of monthly releases, is taken from the forthcoming collection A Song For Every Moon, which will be available on August 25th.

Running slightly later on the 30-day schedule due to Bruno losing his voice, Cold Blood is another refined cut in the artist’s smooth catalogue of works. With more uptempo twist, the track’s rhythm shines in a truly elegant manner. Drawing on minimal aesthetics, Bruno easily shapes the magnetic soundscape, using hic vocals to allure the listeners.

Bruno explains:

The penultimate song, only one moon to go. I wrote ‘Cold Blood’ after having been unceremoniously dropped by my record label a while ago. It was recorded last month as with nearly all of this project in a garden shed in London with my genius friend Phairo … I think he has excelled himself on this one. Lots of love. B

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