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MARTIN LUKE BROWN Releases New Single ‘Opalite’

London based musician unveils alt-pop gem, Opalite.

We have a second single from Martin Luke Brown called Opalite that should help you make it to the weekend.

This expansive track follows previous single, Into Yellow, and from the very beginning sparks my intrigue. With smooth vocals and catchy drum beats Opalite transitions through verse to chorus like a breeze. A pure pop delight with a strong point of difference. The tune oozes confidence and distinction and I’m sure that the next track we hear from Brown will only continue to magnify.

Martin explains:

‘Opalite’ as a song began with this hypnotic little drum loop and the words just came out. I write placeholder lyrics all the time and then chip away at them until they’re complete but I pretty much stuck with what rolled on ‘Opalite’. It just felt right. It’s about finding hope in something and not wanting to let it go. Whether you find that hope in superstition or religion or love. Whatever really.

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