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JAY SOM Unveils Visuals for ‘The Bus Song’

Jay Som, the musical project of Oakland, CA-based songwriter Melina Duterte, has released a vibrant and heartwarming new music video for her lead single The Bus Song, off of debut album Everybody Works.

Directed by Duterte’s friend Michelle Zauner of Japanese Breakfast, the video is a much-needed pop of colour and comradery. It depicts Duterte and her bandmates enjoying a sunny afternoon gathering strangers and friends along a stroll through the bay area. And there are dogs.

Zauner has previously demonstrated her impeccable directing talents in her own music video for her “Road Head”. The oversaturated primary colours, centered shots and vibrant backdrops give the video a childish summer camp vibe, one that we all want to join.

Everybody Works is out now via Polyvinyl.