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Artist Of The Week // JC STEWART

The self-confessed Professional Sadboy shares yet another poignant tune with Pick Up Your Phone.

JC Stewart Press Shot 2019

With the world of pop brimming with new talents and artists trying to make it in the music industry, it’s hard to find someone who truly catches your ear but JC Stewart isn’t just anyone. Having been tipped by the likes of Niall Horan and Lewis Capaldi, the self-proclaimed Professional Sadboy has a penchant for writing catchy tunes that will lodge themselves in your brain. He wears his heart on his sleeve with confessional lyricism that will make even the most stone-hearted person feel something, and his newest single Pick Up Your Phone is sure to feel relatable to many. Alongside the studio version of the track, JC has also released a video for the acoustic version of the track, which sees him performing with only an acoustic guitar with the skyline of London in the background.

Explaining more of the track, JC comments:

I wrote ‘Pick Up Your Phone’ about the moment that we’ve all been through where you know you shouldn’t call someone, but you do anyway even though you’re fully aware it’s going to end in carnage. It’s a song about how predictable and weirdly human it is, and how it makes no sense but we do it every time.

Completely understanding the feeling that JC explains, we wondered about what makes the Professional Sadboy pick up his phone.

What’s a motto you live by?

Give anything a go once. What’s the worst than can happen?

If your sound had a colour, what colour would it be?

I’d say an orange/red gradient.

If you could set Pick Up The Phone to a movie, which movie would it be the soundtrack to?

Gotta be phone booth right?

What’s most likely to make you pick up the phone normally (social media, cat videos, messages from friends etc.)?

A notification saying my deliveroo driver is nearby.

What’s your most predictable habit?

Apologising for answering a text message 5 days late.

How does the video convey the themes of the track?

We tried to capture the simplicity of the moment that I wrote about where you’re simply sitting at home and overthinking everything. The moment when you know you shouldn’t call/answer but also know that that’s exactly what you’re gonna do.

Are there any behind-the-scenes stories of either the track or the video that you can share with us?

I remember we wrote it after I got a call in the middle of the day from a girl and started giggling because I knew it would be such a bad idea to answer it. I then explained it to the guys I was in the studio with and then 2 hours later we were done.

And finally, what does music mean to you?

Music to me is the freedom to do what you want, to say what you want and be what you want.

You can catch him at his headline dates next year.


20 – London, Scala

27 – Dublin, Academy

28 – Belfast, The Limelight