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THE USED Unveil New Single ‘Blow Me’ feat. Jason Aalon Butler

Returning with their first new music in over two years, The Used have teamed up with Jason Aalon Butler of Fever 333 for a hard-hitting song Blow Me.

The Used 2019Swinging between heavy and light, Blow Me is the perfect mixture of thumping heavy drums, static laced vocals and epic sounding guitar to create a brilliant sounding track. The song also includes an impressive breakdown at the end from Jason Aalon Butler

Speaking on the new single, frontman Bert McCracke has shared:

The Used are proud to present our new song ‘Blow Me’ featuring Jason Aalon Butler from Fever 333. Whether metaphorically signifying the power of words in general or magnifying concern for the situation of societal gun violence, we urge the fans of our music to find individual and personal meaning in all of our songs. Thank you, and please enjoy!

Fever 333 supported The Used in 2018, but this is the first time members of the two groups have recorded together. Revealing more about their collaboration, Butler has said:

If I’m being honest, I’ve been a fan of this band since the first single they put on an Atticus Clothing comp CD back in 2002. I heard ‘Box Full Of Sharp Objects’ and thought – ‘This is it. This is the next step in heavier music with melodic sensibility.’ I loved it. I studied it. Then I met the man that produced it, John Feldmann. Loved him. Studied him. Then – a couple of months ago I was asked by the band and John to sing on a track from the new album. They played me some songs and, no bullshit, I got that feeling I felt when I first heard ‘Box Full’ on that comp 17 years ago. For any and all The Used fans – they’re back again. In a BIG fucking way.

It’s great to see The Used releasing music again and we can’t wait to see what they do next!