WALLOWS Release Music Video for ‘Remember When’
Indie rockers Wallows are back with a mind-bending visual for their song Remember When off their debut album, Nothing Happens.
If you want to sit with your brow furrowed for two-and-a-half minutes, watch the video for Remember When. What begins as your standard “watch the band play in a mysterious labyrinth” music video, Remember When quickly turns into a trippy, funhouse of melty illusions that morph the faces of each band member.
The video fits surprisingly well with the song. Lyrics like “Just a trick of the light I’ve seen before / I can never tell what’s real anymore” set the stage for this quirky visual.
When discussing the song, vocalist Dylan Minette, described Remember When as “a necessary, energetic moment on the record.” While the video is fun and fitting, the upbeat bass riff is what seals the deal. The repeated doo-doo-doo-doo builds throughout the song until the bridge. There you are given a moment to collect your breath from all the toe-tapping and head-bopping, calming you down just enough to be ready for another burst of energy as the doo-doo-doos come jumping back in.
While no UK dates have been announced as of yet, Wallows are set to kick off their headlining America tour in February and will be hitting all three Lollapalooza South America dates.