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Sundara Karma revealed the video for the track Flame

Sundara Karma. What a name for a band! It draws the attention, doesn’t it? Well, very good. Because I’ve been fortunate enough to see them play live and let me tell you – they deserve all the attention in the world!


The quartet from Reading released the video for the song Flame which is based on Allegory of the Cave by Greek philosopher Plato. That reference blended with peculiar vocals and riffs in the indie composition seems to be working just fine.

The frontman Oscar Lulu brought some light on the idea behind the video saying that It is the perfect visual representation and emphasises the real message of the song. We are basically commenting on the whole post-modern reality that we find ourselves living in… The Matrix. Where adverts, politicians, the war on drugs, terrorism, consumerism, mass production, celebrity culture, social networks etc are the shadows that permeate our walls – and we all buy into it. We have grown up being forced to believe that these things have true value and that it’s the only reality accessible to us.

Their EPI came out on February 23 featuring previous tracks Loveblood and Waves.

As for the name, Sundara in spoken Sanskrit means beautiful and karma – it’s just Hindu karma. Well, being called like that, I figure the fate must be anything but propitious.

Now check the video!