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SLAVES Unveil Video for ‘Magnolia’

Imagine Slaves as house painters; that’s the premise for the Magnolia music video and it is every bit as entertaining as it sounds.

Slaves Magnolia

Kent punk duo Slaves have released a new video for Magnolia, taken from their third album Acts Of Fear And Love.

Beginning with the quip ‘Did you know at least 65% of UK homes contain at least one magnolia wall? I bet you didn’t’, it’s a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the bland and ubiquitous paint which has found its way into so many UK homes. Delving deeper, it’s a track which sneers upon suburban consumerism with scathing lyrics such as “Call the number on the side of the bus / For a chance to be attractive and care-free”.

The video sees the duo living out their interior decorator/painter dreams and it’s an entertaining watch. It begins normally enough, as they start painting the walls of someone’s house, but as the video progresses, it slowly becomes increasingly chaotic. Ending with both men covered in paint, it’s perhaps better that they stick with their music careers. However, a dance career is still on the table as they show off some comical moves including an attempt from Laurie Vincent at cartwheeling. If you’re looking for some advice on how to paint your walls, then maybe this isn’t the right video, but if you’re looking for some humour, then this is perfect for you.

Catch the duo on their upcoming UK dates.


07 – Newcastle, O2 Academy

08 – Glasgow, Barrowland (SOLD OUT)

09 – Glasgow, Barrowland

10 – Nottingham, Rock City (SOLD OUT)

15 – Norwich, UEA (SOLD OUT)

16 – Liverpool, O2 Academy (SOLD OUT)

17 – Manchester Academy (SOLD OUT)

19 – Leeds, O2 Academy

20 – Bristol, O2 Academy (SOLD OUT)

22 – Cardiff, Tramshed (SOLD OUT)

23 – Birmingham, O2 Academy

24 – London, Alexandra Palace