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ZELAH Share Hard-hitting New Track ‘Save Me’

In a swirling undercurrent of pulsing synths and urgent beats, London alt-pop duo ZELAH creates a brooding atmosphere in their newest track Save Me.

Zelah 2019

London-based alt-poppers ZELAH completely demand your attention with their atmospheric new single Save Me, which sees the first new material from the band this year.

Washes of dark electronics set the backdrop for Zelah Van-Gowler’s soulful and powerful vocals, which have a richness to them that lays on thick all of the potent emotions that inspired the track. Begging you to ‘save me, cause nobody can save me, they don’t see me like you do’, prepare to feel shivers down your spine at the piercing intensity of the feelings as the chorus grows into a moving beast and almost grows beyond the confines of the track with its power.

The band says of the track:

I think we all go through phases of vulnerability and missing what we once had even years after it has ended with someone. As time goes on you mature naturally and see from a clearer perspective, you have a better idea of your own mistakes and insecurities that lead to the breakup, and how silly things become insignificant or how you would do things differently. Basically you realise someone was and could be such a good fit for you but you just happened to meet them at the wrong time. Not always, but sometimes.