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REMO DRIVE Release New Track ‘Ode To Joy 2’

Bringing a slice of classic rock-tinged nostalgia, Ode To Joy 2 will have you reminiscing on good times past with friends.

Remo Drive 2020

While we can’t claim to speak for everyone, we think it is fair to say that all of us here in the UK are at the point of social distancing that we are sorely missing our friends. Seriously feeling a case of the blues whenever we reflect on memories of social events, at least the joy of those gatherings have now been captured in musical form by the newest single from Remo Drive, Ode to Joy 2. Singing of those silly, mindless moments where you are getting a laugh out of everything for no particular reason, the nostalgia is enhanced by the blazing classic-rock sound, which immediately whisks you to a bygone period. The single is lifted from the band’s forthcoming album, A Portrait Of An Ugly Man, which will be released on June 26th.

Explaining more of the inspiration behind the track, lyricist Erik Paulson says:

The lyrics were inspired by the excess I perceived around me as I transitioned from being a college student into touring full time. Most people who’ve done either can confirm that many social interactions are built around having a drink or smoking weed. Once the honeymoon period of exploration was over for me, I became frustrated with the omnipresence of drugs and alcohol and wanted to write about it… Oh what fun it is laughing at nothing, by this age we all have it down. When I wrote the final version of the lyrics, I tried to connect with how I think when I’m drunk. I always feel as though I’m loving and hating every second of it. This song captures that same ambivalence.