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THE PALE WHITE Share New Video for ‘Take Your Time’

The Pale White have released mind-bending video for their latest single Take Your Time that will leave you asking questions for days.

The Pale White 2020

Newcastle trio The Pale White have revealed the Take Your Time video and it’s safe to say it’s as creepy as it is creative. The song itself is themed around state of mind and how it really feels to have unfiltered access to your own head. 

The video is packed full of artistic visuals not dissimilar to that of cult classic film ‘A Clockwork Orange’. The sudden jump cuts are timed perfectly to the beat of the song whilst showing the same character meeting himself throughout the day, providing a metaphor for both mental health issues and a deep sense of darkness and confusion that is hidden within all of us whether we know it or not. A marvelous track and a stunningly creepy video to accompany.