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MICHAELA SLINGER Shares New Single ‘Don’t Wait’

It’s the time of day for some poptastic sounds from Michaela Slinger called Don’t Wait

Michaela Slinger 2020

Sprawling synths and bouncy drum beats will defiantly get your attention at first. But it’s Michaela Slinger‘s youthful and bold vocals that will make you stay. Don’t Wait feels like a summer day, windows down in your car driving down the freeway kind of feeling. And who doesn’t enjoy a bit of that. You can tell that she has been doing this for a while. Singing since she was a small child you can identify her passion in this track. It sounds like she’s having fun but also not wasting her opportunities all in under four minutes.

On the track, Michaela notes:

I wrote half of ‘Don’t Wait’ in my living room the day before I left for my first-ever Toronto trip, and finished it across the country alone in a writing room as part of a two-month intensive music program. That speaks to the meaning of the song: it’s about me realizing that the beauty of being in a relationship with someone also comes with the great responsibility of having their heart in my hands, and worrying that I’m not going to live up to what they deserve. ‘Don’t Wait’ gets at the simultaneous euphoria of being in love and the quiet internal questioning about whether I can give that person what they’re worth as I pursue my own dreams.