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FAR CASPIAN Shares New Single ‘Today’

Bedroom pop pioneer Far Caspian powerfully strikes back with new single Today.

Far Caspian 2020

Following the release of his wistful and subtle single July last year, Far Caspian has graced us with yet another striking offering, Today. The result of a ‘haze of stress’, the astonishing track is a seamless nostalgic atmospheric sonic met by Joel Johnston’s melancholic yet urgent vocals; no wonder he is one of the UK’s most fascinating and detailed producers.

Speaking about the track, Joel explained:

There’s no frills to the track it’s just in and out. The lack of time is apparent in that but for me the track didn’t need a load of instruments or intricate arrangements to get the point across. It’s a simple song about how I was feeling coming off tour – Missing my friends, not feeling connected to anything or anyone apart from the boys in the band and spending too much time on my phone.

A lot of the time on tour you mostly experience either massive waves of euphoria from playing and shaking loads of hands or serious boredom and mundanity from sitting in a van for 12 hours scrolling through Instagram. And then you end up crashing pretty hard once you get home and I was definitely in that mindset when I wrote this.

Far Caspian is set to hit the road for his biggest headline shows to date this Spring, including a London show at new venue Lafayette. Catch him at the following dates.


27 – Louisiana, Bristol

28 – Jericho Tavern, Oxford

29 – Lafayette, London

30 – Deaf Institute, Manchester


01 – Sound City Festival, Liverpool

15 – The Great Escape, Brighton

16 – Gold Sounds, Leeds

22 – This is Tomorrow, Newcastle