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SAINT RAYMOND Returns With Boisterous New Single ‘Right Way Round’

Returning with a track that is vibrant and catchy, Saint Raymond can turn any frown upside down with Right Way Round.

Saint Raymond 2020

Hailing from Nottingham, Saint Raymond, real name Callum Burrows, is back with more music following on from the success of his debut album Young Blood as he shares an exuberant new single, Right Way Round, to usher in the next chapter.

Resounding with twanging guitars and lightly-prodding synths, the track bolsters an infectious energy that even the most stone-hearted person would have difficulty with resisting. The upbeat rhythms flow through your veins and bring on an overwhelming urge to tap, nod, and just move along in some way to the electric atmosphere of the track. Exploring the confusion that can often accompany a tangled state-of-mind, Saint Raymond reassures us that even if we cannot see it or understand it right now, things are as they should be and we are not as out of control as we may perhaps feel.

Saint Raymond says of the track:

‘Right Way Round’ is about feeling like you’re on the outside, like you’re floating through life and it’s making you feel alone. But the more you scratch the surface and look around you, realise that there’s a load of us who feel like we’re different, on the outside and unsure of the future and that there’s beauty in that.