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NICK WILSON Shares New Single ‘Safe’

While Safe is definitely in the Nick Wilson wheelhouse, this latest single signals a shift in style from wispy and aromatic to something more golden and grungier.

Nick Wilson 2020

Nick Wilson has a voice like honey, oozing with sweetness, but thick and sticky and hard to live without once on your tongue. His latest single, Safe, shifts from the airy, ambient pop of old to a more defined, mature sound. Exciting tidbits of creativity come through in the production – the sound of fingers sliding along guitar strings, the pulse of a heartbeat leading into the chorus, and the chorus itself to name a few. In the chorus, listeners will be delighted by the shocking and breathtaking pauses that are so completely unexpected, but perfectly timed. His voice commands the room with its stunning range and the vocal runs are captivating. When mixed with the off-kilter beats behind Wilson’s vocals, Safe is anything but.

Describing his journey bringing Safe to life, Wilson explains:

I wrote ‘Safe’ with writing duo The Nocturns. It was our first session together and we were talking about how as humans, we have the tendency to second guess ourselves, and work ourselves up about whatever is bringing us down. ‘Safe’ became this song that acted almost as a reminder to myself that it’s usually never as bad as it seems. Sometimes we’re the ones making it worse, and in the end it’s always better to tackle it head on rather than play it safe.