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RY Unveils Heartfelt New Offering ‘Oh, Jealousy’

Working through feelings of jealousy and seeking to understand is never an easy process, but the latest effort from Ry makes the journey smoother as he transforms it into an indulgent musical blend.

Ry 2020

Burgeoning new artist Ry is not the only one amongst us who have grappled with feelings of jealousy and the pain of heartache, but instead of letting it paralyse him, he’s transformed it into an uplifting piece of music, Oh Jealousy. Creating an accepting and forgiving sound with soft-spoken vocals and aching acoustic guitar melodies, Ry shares a space for self-exploration and pondering without hostility and scrutiny which is sure to draw listeners seeking solace amidst the increasingly judgmental world that we live in.

Explaining more about his inspiration behind the track, Ry shares:

This is a song about having and overwhelming feeling of jealousy for a person and realizing that may mean the feelings for them are stronger than thought. Yet the pain that jealousy can bring mentally sometimes I wish would go away so I wrote a song about it. Writing helps me understand my problems and writing this helped me understand why I would get jealous in the past.