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DEVAN Shares Earnest New Single ‘Night Drives’

Creating a yearning sense of freedom, Night Drives builds upon Devan’s unique sound to enrapture listeners.

Devan 2021

Toronto-born, London-raised musician Devan returns with her newest single Night Drives to further develop and shape her sound. Drawing upon her diverse influences, she brings together a variety of styles into her own, captivating musical voice that will leave you wanting more. Between pulsating beats and a hypnotising bass-line, she aims to capture ‘the feeling of driving around at night with someone you love – aimless, chatting, listening to music. It’s a particularly special sense of freedom.’

It’s the start of the journey for Devan as a solo artist, as she gears up to release her debut EP Pink Noise on February 26th, yet the assured confidence that quietly hums through Night Drives hints at something even greater to come.

Speaking more on what can be expected from the forthcoming EP, Devan shares:

‘Pink Noise’ is about insecurity, but it’s also about being able to breathe out and feel a sense of relief towards my revelation that my reality is formed by my own perceptions. Writing songs for me is a way to uncover my underlying feelings about something – putting elusive emotions into tangible sentences, and coming to terms with them. My only guideline for writing these songs was to try to be as honest with myself as possible, and follow my instincts without all the self-inflicted barriers that I usually let get in the way.