HÅN Captivates With New Single ‘Bicycle’ feat. KiLLOWEN
Spinning nostalgia into a woozy hit, Bicycle is the alluring latest release from HÅN and KiLLOWEN.
Growing up in a small Italian town, moving to a big city like London would have brought quite the contrasting experience but it’s simultaneously a ripe time for growth and inspiration as you adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. For HÅN, the change did provide a spark of motivation for her latest release, Bicycle. Being the first track that she penned after her move, it’s got a lot of emotion and unreleased tension imbued within it – confronting new complications and adversities, a new set of coping mechanisms are needed and the track follows HÅN’s process of adapting and finding new solutions through observing how others do it around her.
Bicycle also builds on HÅN’s developing sound, which mixes aerial electronics with undercurrents of R&B influences and tinges of jazz beats. Trickling smoothly along your eardrums, it’s like the musical equivalent of honey as it sways around you and subtly imparts itself upon your memory. Teaming up with West London musician KiLLOWEN, the male and female vocals contrast against each other to create a varied musical landscape that you won’t be able to resist.
Explaining more of the release, HÅN shares:
This was the first song I wrote when I moved to London last year. I met Owen (who features on the song) in October and we got along right away. At the time I was struggling with just functioning and adapting to the new city, so I used to spend a lot of time visiting art galleries to distract myself. I also started to learn about my mental health, noticing that sometimes I coped with my emotions in a very intense way. This made me feel estranged, but also in awe of those around me who managed to deal with things in a healthy and easy way. I didn’t understand why the things that bothered me were leaving other people unmoved. “Bicycle” is like saying “oh, so that’s how it is supposed to be. I hope to learn from you.” The ending of the song is both an outburst and a relief from this feeling, a heavy bass kicks in and I scream in my very own way (which is quiet) about memories that make me feel safe and that shelter me from that state of mind.