NOYOU Tackle Privilege in New Single ‘We’re So Sorry’
While some people posted a black square on their Instagram feeds, Sunderland-based indie-pop band, noyou, put their feelings into a rousing, sunshine pop song, We’re So Sorry.
Beneath its summery, exuberant exterior, We’re So Sorry eloquently encapsulates the feelings many have felt over the past several months while coming to terms with our privileges and the systemically racist institutions we benefit from. noyou frontman, Connor Jobes, croons, “I saw your face on the news, it made me nervous and I looked away,” acknowledging the ease at which those with privilege can shy away from the uncomfortable conversations integral to societal growth. It is a painfully honest look inward from Jobes that is masked by electrifying guitars and cheery, pastel synths that keep you grooving. The timbre and vocal stylings from both Jobes and keyboardist, Joey, who sings the second verse, hook you in even more than the hook itself. We’re So Sorry is a track that begs to play on repeat. Without the important message, We’re So Sorry would be catchy and fun. However, the added depth to the lyrics elevate noyou and their song to a different calibre, demanding acknowledgement and respect.
Discussing the lyrical content of We’re So Sorry, Jobes explained:
‘We’re So Sorry’ looks to explore the recent happenings in the world regarding racism, from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know what they can do to aid the progress. Throughout the whole thing all I found myself wanting to say was sorry. Sorry that the world is like this and people allow these things to happen.