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IVYTIDE Release New Bop ‘miss u btw’

miss u btw, the new single from Ivytide, makes listeners feel some kind of way.


Ivytide are Nathan Gagné, Jamie Snytte, and Kyle Ruggerio, and the trio have been making waves on the lo-fi, bedroom pop scene for the last three years. Hailing from Montreal, Ivytide are just another addition to their already thriving music scene, and their standout sound is what has helped get them noticed. The trio have just released their latest track, miss u btw.

The single is a lo-fi, indie-pop anthem that shows the emotions that go through our heads when a relationship ends. Ivytide have combined soft vocals with heavier instrumentals that create a tense atmosphere, but this is all relieved by the end of the three minutes when the whole track comes to a slow and the melody fades out.

On the release, Ivytide note:

‘miss u btw’ represents one side of a two-tailed story. Parting ways with someone leads to an inevitable feeling of withdrawal, pulling you back into the relationship you once had. The other side of the story reflects all the countless fights and sleepless nights that drew you apart in the first place. While knowing things ended for a reason, a creeping feeling of nostalgia ceases to put your mind at ease.